14 Nisan 2011 Perşembe

Doctor Who 6. Sezon Çıldırmaları 3. Bölüm

*Söylememe gerek var mı? Spoilers.*
Bugünkü çıldırmamda (23 Nisan'a az kaldı biraz daha dayanın) 5. sezonun en sevdiğim bölümü olan The Eleventh Hour'un en sevdiğim sahnelerini paylaşacağım. Aslında tüm sezona bayılmama rağmen (Vincent and the Doctor bir şaheser mesela) bu bölümü ayrı bir seviyorum. Benim için çok özel bir yeri var. Başlayalım o halde!
The Doctor: What's your name?
Amelia: Amelia Pond
The Doctor: Oh, that's a brilliant name. Amelia Pond. Like a name in a fairy tale.

The Doctor: Give me five minutes. I'll be right back.
Amelia: People always say that.
The Doctor: Am I people? Do I even look like people. Trust me. I'm the Doctor.

The Doctor: I'm not six months late, I'm twelve years late!
Amy: He's coming!
The Doctor: You said six months. Why did you say six months?!
Amy: We've got to go!
The Doctor: This matters! This is important. Why did you say six months?
Amy: Why did you say five minutes?!
The Doctor: What?
Amy: Come on!
The Doctor: What?
Amy: Come on!
The Doctor: What?!

The Doctor: Amy, believe for twenty minutes.

Rory: Amy, he's taking his clothes off.
The Doctor: Turn your back if it embarrasses you.
Rory: Are you stealing clothes now? Those clothes belong to people you know. [to Amy] Are you not going to turn your back?
Amy: Nope.

The Doctor: Hello! I'm the Doctor. Basically, run.

The Doctor: Bow ties are cool.

The Doctor: Amy Pond. The girl who waited. You waited long enough.
Amy: When I was a kid, you said there was a swimming pool. And a library, an the swimming pool was in the library.
The Doctor: Yeah, not sure where it's got to now. It'll turn up. So, coming?
Amy: No.
The Doctor: You wanted to come fourteen years ago.
Amy: I grew up.
The Doctor: Don't worry. I'll soon fix that.

The Doctor: All of time and space, everything that ever was or ever will be... where do you want to start?

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